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My Ever-Changing Diet: From Raw Vegan to Eating Whatever Feels Right

Alright, let’s get real about food, diet, and how I’ve evolved over the years when it comes to what I put in my body. This isn’t one of those “follow my perfect diet” posts because, to be honest, my relationship with food has changed more times than I can count. But I figured it’s time to share where I’m at now, what my daily diet looks like, and how I keep my vibe high without stressing over every little thing I eat.

I used to be hardcore raw vegan. I’m talking about nothing but fresh, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds. It was a hell of a commitment, and for a while, it felt right. I felt light, energized, and super connected spiritually. But life, as it often does, threw some curveballs. Grocery prices started climbing, and where I live—out in the middle of nowhere—finding fresh, organic produce became a damn near impossible task. It just wasn’t sustainable anymore.

So, I shifted to a vegan diet. I let myself enjoy cooked foods, but still kept it plant-based. And again, it was good… for a time. But as life kept rolling on, that too started to feel restrictive, especially when options were limited, and the stress of maintaining it outweighed the benefits.

Next stop: vegetarianism. I started allowing dairy and eggs into my diet. It was more flexible, and I found it easier to manage, especially when life got heavy. But you know what? Even that eventually started to feel like too much of a label, too much of a box to fit into.

Now, I eat a bit of everything, and I mean that literally. I don’t adhere to any strict diet anymore. I’ve learned to listen to my body and give it what it needs without overthinking it. Some days, that means a loaded salad with all the veggies, nuts, seeds, and a hearty dressing. Other days, it’s pasta—hell, I love pasta. And I’ve grown to love shrimp, which is something I never thought I’d say. I don’t shy away from sweets either; life’s too short to say no to a good dessert.

The only thing I steer clear of is alcohol—it just doesn’t vibe with me anymore. But I do enjoy a sugar-free soda every now and then. I’m not here to preach about cutting out this or that. I’ve done it all, and where I’m at now feels like the most balanced approach for me. I eat what I want, but in portions that feel right, and I don’t let guilt sneak in.

As for supplements, I keep it simple. I take Moringa capsules daily because it’s packed with nutrients, and it gives me that extra boost. I also take Etherium Gold Powder every day, which helps with mental clarity and keeping my energy aligned. Besides that, I don’t have any special regimens. My diet is regular because my life is far from regular. I’m more focused on keeping things practical and sustainable.

I’ve got eight dogs, and honestly, their diet is more of a priority than mine at this point. They’re my pack, my family, and I make sure they get what they need to stay healthy and happy.

Look, life’s been a lot to deal with, and the way I see it, food shouldn’t add to that stress. It should nourish you, fuel you, and yes, even bring you joy. Grocery prices are sky-high, the world’s crazy, and I’m out here trying to keep my head on straight. So, I take life one day at a time, eat what feels right, and keep sharing my journey with you all through this blog.

I’m still deeply spiritual, just not religious. I meditate daily, stay connected to the universe, and do my best to keep my vibration high. But I’ve learned that being rigid with my diet doesn’t make me any more enlightened. Flexibility, in all areas of life, has been key for me.

So that’s where I’m at. I hope this gives you some insight into how I live and how I keep it real. Remember, your diet should work for you, not the other way around.

Thanks for being here, and I’ll keep sharing as much as I can.

Until next time,



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5 days ago

Thank you for posting this! - Yin


Aug 13
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

"...your diet should work for you, not the other way around..." I love it!

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