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Uncovering a Past Life Betrayal

Alright, my beautiful freaks and seekers of truth, buckle up because today was one hell of a ride into the cosmic library—the Akashic Records. I know some of y'all are new here, so let me break it down real quick. The Akashic Records are like this metaphysical database that holds every single thought, experience, and emotion of every soul that's ever existed. Think of it as the ultimate Google search for the universe, but with way more secrets and a hell of a lot more mystery.

So today, I had this session with a client named Sarah. Now, Sarah's been coming to me for a few years, and she's no stranger to the strange and unusual. She hit me up a couple of days ago, all frantic and shit, saying she needed a deep dive into her past lives because she’s been having these intense dreams. And when I say intense, I mean like waking up in a cold sweat, crying her eyes out kinda intense. The dreams involved some heavy-ass stuff: drowning, betrayal, and being abandoned. It was like all her worst fears rolled into one.

We got on the call, and you could tell right away she was on edge. Her energy was all over the place, like static electricity just waiting to pop. I calmed her down, told her to breathe, and then we got to work. Now, accessing the Akashic Records isn’t like flipping a switch. You gotta meditate, raise your vibration, and get into that right headspace. It’s a process, a ritual almost, and for Sarah, it took a bit longer than usual.

But then—BAM—we were in. The first thing I noticed was this overwhelming sensation of water. I could feel it lapping at my feet, cold as hell, and there was this sense of panic creeping up my spine. I asked Sarah what she was feeling, and she immediately started crying. She said it felt like she was being pulled under, dragged down into the depths by some unseen force.

Now, here’s the kicker. As we’re navigating through this watery abyss, I started to see flashes of a ship—an old wooden one, like something out of the 1700s. And then, clear as day, I saw Sarah. She wasn’t Sarah, though. She was some old dude, dressed in sailor's clothes, hands tied behind his back, with this look of pure terror on his face. He was being walked down a plank. Yeah, you heard me. Some pirate shit was going down.

I started describing this to Sarah, and she freaked out even more, saying she’s had these visions before. She was in tears, saying she felt like she was drowning in another life. And that’s when I knew we had to dig deeper. We pushed further into the records, and suddenly it was like a goddamn movie reel in my head. I saw her—him—whatever, on that ship, surrounded by what looked like a mutinous crew. Turns out, this dude—past-life Sarah—had betrayed his crew to the British Navy. They caught wind of it, and well, you can guess the rest.

The guilt, the fear of betrayal, and that overwhelming sensation of drowning—it all made sense. Sarah had been carrying this shit with her for lifetimes. And let me tell you, that's not some small baggage. That’s like dragging a goddamn freight train behind you. She needed to let that shit go.

As we dug through more layers, we found out why this was coming up for her now. She’s in a relationship that’s been triggering these deep-seated fears of betrayal and abandonment. Her current boyfriend? Yeah, he’s got some shady past that she’s been picking up on subconsciously. The dreams were her higher self’s way of saying, “Hey, wake the fuck up! You’ve got unresolved shit to deal with, and it’s affecting you now.”

By the end of the session, she was drained but enlightened. We did some energy work to help release the trauma from that past life and to clear the fears in her current life. I told her to take it easy, maybe have a glass of wine or three, and let the process do its thing. It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid, you know? Hurts like hell at first, but damn, it feels good when you’re free from it.

And the lesson here, my friends, is that we all carry shit from our past lives. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, there’s something to be said about the energetic imprints we carry with us—our soul’s baggage. And sometimes, you gotta dive deep into those waters, face those fears head-on, and say, “Fuck you, I’m done with this.” Only then can you rise above it and stop it from drowning you.

So, next time you're feeling weighed down, ask yourself—is this mine, or am I carrying some old shit that needs to be let go? The universe has a funny way of bringing our shit to the surface, but it’s up to us to deal with it. Remember, you got this. We all do.

Catch you on the flip side. Keep diving deep and uncovering your truths.



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