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When Spirits Won't Leave You the Hell Alone

Alright, folks, let's get real. You know when you wake up and the day already feels like a bad hangover, but you didn't even drink the night before? That was me this morning. Anthony was still asleep, snoring like a damn freight train, and all eight dogs were piled up on the bed like it was their personal kingdom. I'm there, squished in a corner, trying to catch some sleep, but my brain’s on overdrive. Spirit energy was thick in the room. I could feel it. You know that feeling? When you just know some otherworldly shit is about to go down?

So, I get up, tiptoe out of the room, careful not to wake Anthony or the fur babies. Head to the kitchen, make myself a cup of coffee. I’m standing there, staring out the window at the still-dark morning, and suddenly, I feel this chill. Not like a draft chill, more like someone just ran an icy finger down my spine. And I know it's one of them. A spirit. Just hanging around, making itself known.

I don’t have time for this today. I have back-to-back psychic readings, a couple of energy sessions, and I still need to work on my next book. But spirits don't give a damn about your schedule. They show up when they feel like it, demanding attention like needy exes.

So, I sit down at the kitchen table, close my eyes, and focus. I’m like, “Alright, whoever the fuck you are, show yourself or get lost.” I’m not in the mood to play games, you know? And then I see her. This woman, probably in her late 40s, early 50s, standing there in a tattered dress that looked straight out of a 1930s catalog. Her eyes were wild, darting around the room like she was trapped. I ask her what she wants, and she just keeps muttering, “They took it, they took it.”

Now, I’ve dealt with my fair share of spirits, but something about her felt different. The desperation, the fear in her voice—it wasn’t just the usual ghostly lament. I felt her pain, like it was clawing at me from the inside. I asked her, “What did they take?” and she points to this spot on her chest. Her heart.

At this point, I’m wide awake. I grab my notebook and start scribbling down everything—every detail, every word she says. Turns out, this woman was a nurse back in the day, worked in some asylum where they treated patients like shit. One day, she stands up to the doctors, says she won’t be a part of their abuse anymore, and they basically ruin her life. She died of a broken heart, quite literally.

I knew I had to help her. When spirits reach out like this, it's not just for kicks. They need closure. They need someone to hear their story. So, I did a quick energy clearing, let her tell her story, let her release all that pent-up pain. And then, just like that, she was gone. Peaceful.

Afterward, I was drained. Felt like I’d just run a goddamn marathon. I took a few deep breaths, finished my coffee, and tried to shake it off. But it got me thinking about how many people are carrying around their own ghosts. Not literal ones, like me, but the emotional kind. Those fucking shadows from the past that cling to you, whispering shit in your ear, holding you back.

I always tell my clients, you’ve got to face those ghosts. Whether it’s a past trauma, a mistake, a loss—whatever it is, you can’t just shove it into some dark corner of your mind and hope it disappears. It doesn’t work like that. Those spirits, those memories, those pieces of your past—they have a way of showing up when you least expect it, demanding to be dealt with.

So, if you’re reading this and you’ve got some shit you’re hiding from, stop. Turn around, face it, and let it go. It’s not easy, and yeah, it’s gonna hurt like hell, but it’s the only way to move on. Trust me on this.

And just when I thought the day couldn’t get any crazier, I get a call from a client who says she’s been having these intense dreams about drowning. Turns out, she lived by the water in a past life and had drowned. We did a regression session, and holy shit, you guys, the stuff that came up was wild. But that’s a story for another day.

For now, take care of yourselves. Face your damn ghosts. And if you need me, you know where to find me.

Stay wild, stay weird.



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